An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 6, Number 4, 2003

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To the memory of Yu.L. Klimontovich

Professor of the Moscow University Yuri Lvovich Klimontovich died on November 28, 2002. He was theoretical physicist and one of the outstanding scientists in nonequilibrium statistical theory and kinetic theory of plasma.

His most important scientific results were summarized in 8 volumes but a formal biography of Yu. L. Klimontovich could be fitted in a half of a page.

Y. L. Klimontovich was born in Moscow on September 28, 1924 as a son of Minsk province nobleman. He graduated from the Department of Physics, University of Moscow in 1948 and received his Ph. D (candidate degree) thesis in physics in 1951, under supervision of outstanding physicist N.N. Bogolyubov .

In 1963 Yu. L. Klimontovich had successfully defended his habilitation thesis (doctoral degree) and then in 1964 he became a professor of the Moscow State University.

He proposed and developed the method of microscopic phase density (Klimontovich method) for statistical description of plasma and for description of kinetic processes in nonideal gases and some other media. His books on statistical theory of plasma and other topics of the statistical physics brought him the international reputation.

He was teaching at Moscow University for more than forty years delivering courses on the statistical physics and many other disciplines.

Last years his main field of interest was the statistical foundation of synergetics (physics of open systems).

He brought the significant contribution to the statistical physics of open systems and proposed the new original approaches to the theory of superconductivity and superfluidity.

He was associate editor of many scientific journals and member of several Academies and Universities.

Benevolence and independence in judgements, availability for colleges, students and post graduate students, his brilliant orientation in theoretical physics and deep knowledge of literature, history and art made the contacts with Yu.L. Klimontovich very substantial and attractive.

He was a Honour Member of Max-Planck-Gastprofessor of Gumbolt University in Berlin (1990), Laureate of Russia State Premia (1991), Gold medal of P.L.Kanutsy Russian Academy of sciences, Honour (and Laureate of Honour Medal) Doctor of Rostok University (Germany) (1985),Honour Soros Professor.

He loved to appear in Minsk (native land of his ancestors) and his contacts with Minsk scientists were very productive.

His death is irreplaceable loss for everyone, who knew him.

Editorial Board of NPCS

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