An Interdisciplinary Journal

2007, Vol.10, No.2, pp.196-198

Aharonov-Bohm Billiard with Triangular Stopper: a Possible Quantum Rectifier.
S. Masuda and K. Nakamura

The conductance of an open circular dot which has a central triangular stopper(CTS) encircling the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux(Φ) is studied. AB oscillation in conductance fluctuations depends on the rotation angle() of CTS as well as on Fermi energy (EF). For Fermi wavelength (λF) comparable to the linear dimension (l) of CTS, the AB oscillation is extremely sensitive to . In the special case of up-and-down (UD) symmetric case (=00), there appears a pair of conductance plateaus around Φ/Φ0 being integers and half-integers (Φ0: flux quantum). Therefore UD-symmetric case results in the conductance segregation. Noting that the UD-symmetric case corresponds to the right-and-left(RL)-asymmetric dot, we propose a purely quantum-mechanical rectifier working at low temperature under the alternating AB fluxes synchronized with AC voltage.
Key words: Aharonov-Bohm dot, conductance plateaus, triangular stopper, quantum-mechanical rectifier

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