An Interdisciplinary Journal

2008, Vol.11, No.2, pp.250-258

Dissipative Discrete Breathers in rf SQUID Metamaterials.
N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis, and M. Eleftheriou

The existence and stability of dissipative discrete breathers (DDBs) in rf superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) arrays in both one and two dimensions is investigated numerically. In an rf SQUID array, the nonlinearity which is intrinsic to each SQUID due to the presence of the Josephson junction (on-site nonlinearity), along with the weak coupling of each SQUID to its nearest neighbors through magnetic forces, results in the appearance of discrete breathers. We analyze several discrete breather excitations, both in one and two dimensions, which are subjected to unavoidable losses. These losses, however, are counter-balanced by an external flux source leading to linearly stable discrete breather structures up to relatively large coupling parameters. We show that DDB excitations may locally alter the magnetic response of array from paramagnetic to diamagnetic or vice versa, and that they are not destroyed by increasing the dimensionality.
Key words: nonlinear magnetic metamaterials, rf SQUID array, discrete breathers

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