An Interdisciplinary Journal

2008, Vol.11, No.2, pp.280-284

SOC and Chaos into the Solar Activity.
L. P. Karakatsanis and G. P. Pavlos

In this study, we present significant evidence for the co-existence of two discriminate physical processes in the solar activity. The first process corresponds to the existence of self organized critical state according to the SOC theory. The second process corresponds to a low dimensional chaotic dynamics. These results were obtained after the nonlinear analysis of the Sunspot Index, where the original signal reveals characteristics of a SOC process, that is, high dimensionality and zero value of the largest Lyapunov exponent. The low dimensional chaotic process was revealed after the first difference high pass filtering of the original Sunspot index. The dual character of the solar activity which is hidden in the Sunspot index reveals a double input-output dynamics corresponding to the photospheric and sub-photospheric zones activity of the Solar system.
Key words: solar cycle, input-output dynamics, self organized criticality (SOC), low dimensional chaos, nonlinear time series analysis

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