An Interdisciplinary Journal

2008, Vol.11, No.3, pp.352-359

Quantum Entropy of a Black Hole and Some New Approaches to its Computation.
A. E. Shalyt-Margolin

This work presents two new approaches associated with calculations of the black hole entropy: density matrix deformation, earlier developed by the author to study a quantum theory of the Early Universe (Planck's scales) and applied to study a quantum theory of black holes, and also the approach based on the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). The first approach that has formed the basis for investigation into the information paradox problem, entropy of the black hole remainders after evaporation, and consistency with the holographic principle is considered in more detail. In conclusion these two approaches are compared and the prospects for their further use are discussed.
Key words: deformed density matrix, deformed entropy, black hole

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