An Interdisciplinary Journal

2013, Vol.16, No.3, pp.232-241

Propagation and Self-Action of Pulsed Singular Light Beams in Media with Nonlocal Thermomechanical Response
Oleg G. Romanov

The physical and mathematical model of propagation of pulsed singular light beams in media with nonlocal thermomechanical response (on the example of weakly absorbing liquid) has been developed. Spatial profiles of refractive index structures and the kinetics of their excitation and relaxation have been studied based on a numerical solution of continuous medium motion equations in a Lagrangian form, heat-transfer equation, and using the Lorentz-Lorenz formula, that allowed us to estimate the contribution of thermal and acoustic mechanisms in the change of physical parameters of a continuous medium. The modes of self-action of the singular light beam and the evolution of its spatial-temporal structure have been studied numerically.

Key words: pulsed light beams, optical vortices, optoacoustic effect, Lagrange equations, heattransfer equation

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