An Interdisciplinary Journal

2013, Vol.16, No.3, pp.287-301

Prospective Side Effects of the Heat And Mass Transfers in Micro-Porous Structure of Char During Intermediate and Final Stages of the High-Temperature Pyrolysis
Aliaksandr Alevanau,Weihong Yang, Wlodzimierz Blasiak, Olgerd Kuznechik, and Oleksandr Vyhoniailo

The general problem of a decrease of activation energy for reactions of thermal decomposition in ligno-cellulosic materials in the end of the high-temperature pyrolysis has been discussed. Experiments emphasizing the differences between the starting, intermediate and final stages of the process were conducted. A hypothesis to solve the problem from the point of view of a fundamental fractal theory was formulated. The conclusions of the discussions related to the hypothesis gave a description of new experiments to prove the fundamental theory on diffusion processes with naturally or artificially created conditions for self-organization..

Key words: pyrolysis, char, micro-porosity, fractal structure, self-organization, scaling

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