An Interdisciplinary Journal

2014, Vol.17, No.2, pp.138-146

Space-Time Fluctuations, Quantum Field Theory with UV-cutoff and Einstein Equations
Alexander Shalyt-Margolin

It has been demonstrated that space-time quantum fluctuations may impose fairly severe restrictions on minimal variations in the fundamental physical quantities of gravity. Also, it has been found that they are naturally described in terms of the deformation parameter introduced on going from the well-known quantum mechanics to that at Planck’s scales and put forward in the previous works of the author. As shown, with the use of quite natural assumptions, these fluctuations must be allowed for in Einstein Equations to lead to the dependence of the latter on the above-mentioned parameter, that is insignificant and may be ignored at low energies but is of particular importance at high energies. Besides, some inferences form the obtained results have been drawn. The derived results offer a better insight into the common nature of gravity both at high and low energies.

Key words: quantum fluctuations, gravity, deformation

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