An Interdisciplinary Journal

2014, Vol.17, No.4, pp.409-416

Relativistic Motion of the Test Body in Photogravitational Field of Star: Application to the Solar System
A. P. Ryabushko, I. T. Nemanova, T. A. Zhur, I. P. Boyarina and O. L. Zubko

The regularities of the motion for every test body in photogravitational field of a star, which can significantly differ from the regularities of motion of a body in gravitational field, have been obtained. The following effects of STR and GTR to the terms of order v2/c2 have been considered: the light pressure, the Poynting-Robertson effect, the longitudinal and transverse Doppler effect, the increase in mass of the moving test body, the effects of the space-time curvature which arise due to the gravitational fields of the star and gas-dust ball surrounding the star. We have showed that the longitudinal Doppler effect and the aberration of light (the effects of order v/c) lead to the spiral motion of the test body around the star. Taking into account other effects of order v2/c2 accelerates approximately by factor two the body fall on the spiral onto the star. The spiral can be seen as the decreasing in size ellipse with decreasing eccentricity and periastron, which can shift against the motion in orbit due to the influence of the gravitational field of gas-dust ball.

Key words: field, spiral motion, windage of the test bodies, time of fall on the star

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