An Interdisciplinary Journal

2016, Vol.19, No.3, pp.303-314

Non-Maxwellian Electrodynamics in Earth’S Reference System: Applications in High-Energy Physics
Y.N. Obukhov, A.J. Silenko, and O.V. Teryaev

Terrestrial gravity and inertial (due to Earth’s rotation) fields introduce perturbations in particle’s motion, produce an additional precession of the spin, and change the constitutive tensor of the Maxwell electrodynamics. Bigger corrections are oscillatory and their contributions average to zero. Inhomogeneity of the inertial field results in the nonoscillatory corrections, which are however quite small and may be possibly important only for the storage ring electric dipole moment experiments. Terrestrial gravity gives rise to the Newton-like force, the additional reaction force provided by accelerator’s focusing system, and additional torques acting on the spin. However, so far there is no evidence of the observable electromagnetic effects due to Earth’s gravity.

Key words: terrestrial gravity, Earth’s rotation, contemporary high-energy physics experiments

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