An Interdisciplinary Journal

1999, Volume 2, Number 4, pp.1--25

Entropy, Information, and Criteria of Order in Open Systems.
Yu.L . Klimontovich

Entropy, information and relative criteria of order for states of open systems are considered. In the theory of communication two definitions of concept "information" are known. One of them coincides in form with the Boltzmann entropy. The second definition of information is defined as the difference between unconditional and conditional entropies. In the present work the latter is used for the definition of information about states of open systems with various meanings of controlling (governing) parameter.
Two kinds of open systems are considered. Those systems belong to the first kind that with zero value of controling parameter are in the equilibrium state. The information about the equilibrium state is equal to zero. During self-organization in the process of removal from the equilibrium state the information is increased. For open systems of this class the conservation law for the sum of information and entropy with all values of controlling parameter is proved.
In open systems of the second class the equilibrium is impossible. For them the concept ''norm of chaoticity '' is introduced. It allows to consider two kinds of self-organization processes and to give the corresponding definitions of information.
The treatment is carried out on a number (classical and quantum) of examples of physical systems. The example of a medico-biological system is also considered.

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