An Interdisciplinary Journal

2002, Vol.5, No.3, pp.240-249

The Dependence of the Auto-Oscillation Frequency of Parametric Spin-Waves on the Pumping Power and Inter Mode Interaction Strengths. pp.240-249
I. Laulicht, E. Sloutskin, and S. R. Bishop

Computer simulations of spin waves parametric excitations are carried out in the framework of the two modes model. The dependence of the auto-oscillation frequency, f, on the pumping amplitude h is investigated. The results support the L'vov's expression for this dependence in cases where the parametric excitation threshold, hth is very close to the auto-oscillation threshold hosc. In cases when hosc is considerably larger than hth a much better fit is obtained to a slightly modified expression: f = f0 +B([ h /hosc ] 2 -1)0.5 where f0 is the onset frequency and B is a constant. Support is given to L'vov's idea that auto oscillation evolves from an oscillation that is damped below hosc and becomes self sustained at hosc. We find that , the decay time of this oscillation is critically dependent on h and exhibits a critical slowing down power law: = A(1- h/hosc)-1.6 where A is a constant. The dependence of f on the inter mode interaction strengths when h is constant, satisfies the expression: f = D+C /(E+2T11+ S 11 + 2T12+ S12) where D, C, and E are constants and T11, T12, S11, and S 12 are the inter mode interaction strengths in the two modes model. This result supports the conjecture that the dependence of the auto-oscillation frequency on the physical parameters is very similar to that of N0, the steady state value of the total number of parametric excitations.
Key words: Nonlinear spinwaves excitation; Parametric excitation; Two modes model; Auto-oscillations.

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