An Interdisciplinary Journal

2002, Vol.5, No.4, pp.479-487

Sociodynamics - A Systematic Approach to Mathematical Modelling in the Social Sciences.
Wolfgang Weidlich

A general concept is presented which allows of setting up mathematical models for stochastic and quasi deterministic dynamic processes in social systems. The basis of this concept is the master equation for the probability distribution over appropriately chosen personal and material macrovariables of the society. The probabilistic transition rates depend on motivation potentials governing the decisions and actions of the social agents. The transition from the probability distribution to quasi-meanvalues leads to in general nonlinear coupled differential equations for the macrovariables of the chosen social sector. Up to now several models about population dynamics, collective political opinion formation, dynamics of economic processes and the formation of settlements have been published.
Key words: social systems, mathematical model, stochastic and quasi deterministic dynamic processes

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