An Interdisciplinary Journal

2004, Vol.7, No.4, pp.347-358

To the Problem of Primordial Black Holes Detection.
V.V. Tikhomirov, S.E. Siahlo, Y.V. Bondarenko

We show that primordial black holes (PBH) with masses are able to absorb white dwarfs (WD) for the Hubble time. The absorption of WD matter is accompanied by neutronization and neutrino emission which energy more than ten orders exceeds that of PBHs' Hawking radiation. The most dense WD absorption is accompanied by the neutrino burst carrying away 1051 erg and more for about a tenth of a second. If such a burst takes place at several kiloparsecs from the Earth it will be detected by the existing neutrino detectors with confidence. The burst mentioned could heat the WD interior to the temperatures high enough to ignite the nuclear burning giving rise to a supernova-like explosion. The WDs absorbtion by PBHs and the accompanying processes allow to improve the constraints on abundance of weakly emitting PBHs by several orders.
Key words: black hole, detection, neutrino, white dwarf, supernova

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