An Interdisciplinary Journal

2005, Vol.8, No.4, pp.317-330

Strong Polarized Field Evolution in Nonlinear Isotropic Medium.II. Monochromatic Plane Wave and Two-Level System.
L.I. Burov, S.G. Babichev, A.S. Gorbatsevich, and A.B. Starovybornov

The description of evolution of arbitrary polarized monochromatic plane wave propagating through an assemble of randomly orientated two-levels molecules is presented. The main mechanism of nonlinearity is resonant saturation of molecular upper state population. Using the unified spherical basic tensor approach that has been formulated earlier (NPCS, 2003, V.5, P.1-14) the orientation averaging procedure is described in details. It is shown that the state of wave polarization is a substantial parameter for the description of wave evolution in nonlinear resonant media and any attempt to neglect of polarization effects can lead to incorrect results. The analysis of polarization stability shows that there are seemingly no state of polarization that is stable in global sense - stability is a relative notion and can be realized under certain conditions.
Key words: polarization, basic spherical tensors, saturation, polarization stability

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