An Interdisciplinary Journal

2006, Vol.9, No.1, pp.53-60

Static Cosmology from Chaos-Borne Hubble Law.
Otto E. Rossler

A distance-proportional light-ray expansion in the cosmos was empirically discovered by Slipher and Hubble in the early 20th century, as is well known. A recent classical-mechanical finding, Fermi deceleration, implies a classical light-ray expansion and Hubble-like law. The magnitude of the effect appears to be competitive with the space-expansion paradigm of the big-bang cosmology. Therefore some old and new questions concerning the size and the age of the cosmos arise. An early result of Mandelbrot's - fractality of the cosmos - offers itself as a corollary. So does a Hawking-type hypothesis of void-induced particle acceleration. A current empirical quandary - existence of "too old" early galaxies - supports the prediction of a much larger and older cosmos. So does Riccardo Giacconi's preliminary finding of ultra-high-redshift x-ray point sources. The proposed new synthesis sees itself in the tradition of the Peebles school.
Key words: light-ray expansion, billiard, fractal dimension, chaos

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