2006, Vol.9, No.4, pp.313-330
In this paper we develop the new approach in time
series analysis with a variable time step and present the results
of quantitative and qualitative estimation of randomness and
regularity, and the study of non-Markovian effects of the X-ray
emission intensity of the microquasar GRS 1915+105. Our estimation
is based on the application of the theory of discrete
non-Markovian stochastic processes and gives a wide set of
quantitative characteristics and parameters of the studied system
with a variable time step. This set reflects the change of the
effects of randomness and regularity, the alternation of Markovian
and non-Markovian processes in the initial time signals. Initially
these characteristics were determined for the simple model systems
constructed by means of a molecular dynamics method. Further the
calculation of these parameters was executed for the X-ray
emission intensity of the microquasar GRS 1915+105. We have
developed a theoretical scheme for the detailed analysis of the
time series with a variable time step. The new theory allows us to
extract more detailed information about the X-ray emission of the
microquasar GRS 1915+105 from the experimental time series. The
received set of the parameters allows to estimate accurately
randomness and stochastic behavior, regularity and robustness,
non-Markovian effects of statistical memory in the intensity of
the X-ray emission. The analysis of the experimental data with a
constant and variable time step is carried out by means of phase
portraits, power spectra of the initial time and event correlation
function (TCF and ECF), and memory functions (MF) of the junior
order, the first three points of non-Markovity parameter.
Key words:
discrete non-Markov processes, time series analysis,
randomness and non-Markovity, X-ray intensity of GRS 1915+105
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