An Interdisciplinary Journal

2009, Vol.12, No.2, pp.185-192

Nonlinear Dynamics of Deuteron Spin in Storage Rings Caused by the Tensor Electric and Magnetic Polarizabilities.
A.J. Silenko

Nonlinear dynamics of deuteron spin in storage rings caused by the tensor electric and magnetic polarizabilities is investigated. General formulas describing deuteron spin dynamics in storage rings with allowance for the tensor electric and magnetic polarizabilities are derived. If a resonant horizontal electric field acts on a deuteron beam circulating into a storage ring, the tensor electric polarizability stimulates the buildup of the vertical polarization of the deuteron (the Baryshevsky effect). Doubling the resonant frequency used in the experiment dramatically amplifies this effect and provides the opportunity to make high-precision measurements of the deuteron's tensor electric polarizability. It is found that an initially tensor-polarized deuteron beam can acquire a final horizontal vector polarization of the order of 1%. This effect allows one to measure the tensor magnetic polarizability of the deuteron in storage ring experiments. Another possibility to measure the tensor magnetic polarizability of the deuteron is provided by the frozen spin method. We analyze the advantage which can be ensured by the use of a tensor-polarized beam and compute the related spin evolution.
Key words: deuteron, tensor electric polarizability, tensor magnetic polarizability

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