An Interdisciplinary Journal

2010, Vol.13, No.3, pp.249-266

The Lorentz Group, Noncommutative Space-Time, and Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Majorana - Oppenheimer Formalism.
V. Red'kov and E. Tolkachev

Non-linear electrodynamics arising in the frames of field theories in non-commutative space-time is examined on the base of the Riemann - Zilberstein - Majorana - Oppenheimer formalism. The problem of form-invariance of the non-linear constitutive relations governed by six non-commutative parameters K = n + im is explored in detail on the base of the complex orthogonal group theory SO(3.C). Two Abelian 2-parametric small groups, isomorphic to each other in abstract sense, and leaving unchangeable the extended constitutive relations at arbitrary six parameters of effective media have been found, their realization depends explicitly on invariant length K2. In the case of non-vanishing length a special reference frame in which the small group has the structure SO(2) SO(1,1) has been found. In isotropic case no such reference frame exists. The way to interpret both Abelian small groups in physical terms consists in factorizing corresponding Lorentz transformations into Euclidean rotations and boosts.

In the context of general study of various dual symmetries in non-commutative field theory, it is demonstrated explicitly that the non-linear constitutive equations in non-commutative electro-dynamics are not invariant under continuous dual rotations, instead the invariance under discrete dual transformation exists only.

Key words: non-commutative electrodynamics, Majorana - Oppenheimer approach, non-linear constitutive relations, Lorentz symmetry

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