An Interdisciplinary Journal

2020, Vol.23, No.1, pp.97 - 101

Canonical Submersion and Lie Homomorphisms Normal Subgroup
Mikhail Petrichenko and Dmitry W. Serow

Normal subgroup module f (module over the ring F = [ f ] 1; 2-diffeomorphisms) coincides with the kernel Ker Lf derivations along the field. The core consists of the trivial homomorphism (integrals of the system v = x = f (t; x )) and bundles with zero switch group Lf , obtained from the condition ᐁ( ω × f ) = 0. There is the analog of the Liouville for trivial immersion. In this case, the core group Lf derivations along the field replenished elements V ( z ), such that ᐁz = ω × f. Hence, the core group Lf updated elements helicoid (spiral) bundles, in particular, such that f = ᐁU. System as an example Crocco shown that the canonical system does not permit the trivial embedding: the canonical system of equations are the closure of the class of systems that permit a submersion.

Key words: module, the normal subgroup ring differentiations, kernel homomorphisms, diffeomorphisms, replenishment nucleus


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